
Too many seniors are lonely!

There is a difference between alone and lonely. Many people live by themselves and are quite content. They have hobbies, belong to clubs where they are able to socialize, and they find useful activities to fill their evenings. But then, there are the single men and women who are unable to deal with their fate of living alone, remote controlled air swimmers and feel emotionally and socially deprived.With age, the chances we end up alone increase. The universal divorce rate has risen drastically, children no longer stay close to home and move where they can find employment, and the older we get, the higher the chances grow that a partner in a close relationship gets sick and dies. That is life, and there is nothing we can do change that.Loneliness is not so much about the number of friends and relatives in our lives, but rather about whether or not we feel connected to these people. Relating to today’s society may be fairly difficult for the elderly, who were raised on different principles and standards. Understanding the younger generations surrounding them may be virtually impossible, and vice versa. Older men and women, who no longer are distracted by employment issues, may feel lonely after the death of the spouse they viewed so many years as a trusted companion, wonderful lover, confidante, and friend. Losing such a partner is like removing a supporting beam out of a house. That too, will soon crumble and collapse.Nobody needs to be lonely! There are several things a senior can do to reclaim some Air Swimmers fulfillment and joy in life. They can buy a pet to keep them company, or they can reach out to people. Joining a senior club is a great option, even for those who are shy. With a ‘smile’ and ‘friendly greeting’ any new member will soon be integrated into the group. Those seniors who are still active can volunteer. It will make them feel good, and it is a great way to meet new people and possible friends. The angry bird community may not know about their emotional distress, so seniors who no longer want to be lonely and/or depressed will have to take their chances and look for opportunities to get out. Only by moving out of their familiar circle will they be able to meet new people and leave their loneliness behind!

